Mendi, Massage Therapist

Mendi lives is Aberdeen, where she grew up on the farm and raised her family.

Mendi received her certification from The College of Massage Therapy, Blackfoot, ID in 2022. After graduating and receiving her license, Mendi started a massage practice and has been working at a spa in Lava. Since graduating, she has advanced her skills through continuing education courses. Mendi enjoys learning and continuing to develop her skills to better help her clients. As a massage therapist, she uses a variety of techniques to cater to each individuals needs, including: Swedish or relaxation, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, hot stone and deep tissue massage techniques to help clients with a variety of conditions from orthopedic to neurological and chronic pain.

Mendi has a passion to help people feel the best they can. Prior to becoming a massage therapist Mendi helped her clients feel their best by being a cosmetologist, which she still will continue along with massage therapy.

When Mendi isn’t at work she loves the outdoors, being creative, and spending time with her family. She enjoys supporting her kids in all of their adventures.

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